intergovernmental negotiations on the reform of the united nations security council (IGN) – comparison of the rev.3, rev.2, rev.1 and draft input

Lead author: Ishaan Shah

The Permanent Representatives of Austria and Kuwait to the United Nations in New York have been the Co-Chairs of the Intergovernmental Negotiations on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other related matters to the Security Council (IGN) during the 78th session of the General Assembly.

The input of the IGN has been submitted to the Co-Facilitators of the Summit of the Future (Germany and Namibia) for inclusion in ‘Chapter V: Transforming global governance’ of the Pact for the Future.

Based on the negotiations, the Co-Facilitators of the IGN process have circulated four revised versions of the language on Security Council Reform to be included in the Pact for the Future. The final input that has been sent to the Co-Facilitators of the Summit of the Future is based on an understanding that it enjoys the widest possible political acceptance among IGN delegations. The current text is based on extensive consultations and in the Co-facilitators’ view, the best compromise achievable, striking a fair balance between the various positions expressed in the framework of the IGN.

This Bulletin endeavours to provide an overview and comparison of how the initial draft of the IGN input (1 May, 2024) has evolved over time to form the latest version (as of 3 July, 2024). The key terminology, language, and paragraphs that were removed, modified, maintained, or added will be identified. 

Find a detailed analysis of the language that has been amended, added and/or removed in the following ICH Bulletin.