December 1, 2023 – Informal Consultations on the Chapeau and Chapter 1: Sustainable Development and Financing for Development

Lead author: Jebilson Raja Joslin

Closed member state consultations on the Chapeau and Chapter 1: Sustainable Development and Financing for Development was held on the 1st of December 2023 in the ECOSOC Chamber. The co-facilitators, Germany and Namibia, proposed to use revision 3 of the draft decision as the starting point for negotiations, which was welcomed by many with the exception of G77 and China. The need for reform of the International Financial Architecture and debt restructuring featured prominently in these consultations. Get yourself updated on the latest news on Chapter 1 negotiations with the following ICH bulletin.

related resources

Draft Decision on the Pact for the Future (revision. 3)

Political Declaration adopted at the SDG Summit

Statement of G77 and China

Statement of the European Union