April 2024, First and Second Reading of Chapter 2 on International Peace and Security of the Zero Draft of the Pact for the Future

Lead author: Jebilson Raja Joslin

Following informal consultations in December 2023 and First and Second Readings through February and March 2024, the co-facilitators of the Summit of the Future (SOTF) released a 78-page compilation text for Chapter 2 on International Peace and Security. This chapter deals with a range of issues from peacekeeping, peacebuilding fund and nuclear disarmament to outer space, Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAWs), and coordination with Regional Organizations.

Member States have attempted to tackle some of the contemporary issues related to international peace and security, such as exploring a legally binding instrument for LAWs; reviving disarmament processes such as the Conference on Disarmament; setting roadmaps and targets for illicit trade of small arms, among others. Get yourself updated on the headlines and details of the compilation text for Chapter 2 in the following ICH bulletin.

related resources

1.     Zero draft of the Pact for the Future

2.     Compilation text (as of 3 April 2024)

3.     Letter from the co-facilitators – 26 January 2024