july 2024 – comparing the Rev. 1 and Rev. 2 of the global digital compact
Lead author: Javier Surasky
The second revision of the GDC was published on 26 June. Compared to the previous version, it includes changes in wording, deletions, or additions in almost every paragraph.
It is stronger than Rev-1, and focuses on promoting international cooperation in digital technologies, with the goal of building “an inclusive, open, sustainable, fair, safe, and secure digital future for all.” However, the “leave no one behind” principle is nearly absent.
In this document, Member States reaffirm their commitment to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), the Geneva Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action, and the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society. The ITU and the Internet Forum’s work are also considered as relevant references.
The GDC Rev-2 retains the commitment to develop targets, indicators, and metrics for universal meaningful, and affordable connectivity included in Rev-1, building a basis for its implementation follow-up mechanism.
Get all the changes between the Rev. 1 and Rev. 2 of the GDC in the following ICH Bulletin!