august 2024 – declaration on future generations – comparison – REV 2 vs REV 3

Lead author: Eliane El Haber 

The Declaration on Future Generations underwent revisions, with Rev. 2 released on July 8, 2024, followed by Rev. 3 on August 13, 2024. Rev. 3 builds upon Rev. 2 by enhancing linguistic precision, commitment, and focus areas while reaffirming key principles such as the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Both versions share commitments to international law, peace, human rights, and sustainable development, alongside the acknowledgment of ethical obligations to future generations and the complexities faced by current societies. However, Rev. 3 differentiates itself through urgent language emphasizing safety, environmental action, and ethical governance of technology, as well as expanded commitments to vulnerable groups and historic inequities while promoting gender equality and indigenous rights. It encourages a “whole-of-society” approach for broader collaboration and articulates a clearer vision for effective multilateralism to address upcoming challenges. Ultimately, Rev. 3 reinforces inclusivity and proactive strategies and it underscores the necessity for immediate action and collective responses to emerging global issues.

related resources

Co-Facilitators letter on the 13th of August 2024 

REV3 Declaration on Future Generations

Co-Facilitators letter on the 2nd of July 2024 

REV2 Declaration on Future Generations

Explanatory note on the concepts

Our Common Agenda Policy Brief on Future Generations.

Issues Paper on the Intergovernmental Process for the Declaration on Future Generations  

Letter from the President of the General Assembly – Declaration on Future Generations Roadmap

A Declaration on Future Generation