july 2024, comparing the Rev. 2 of chapter 1 on sustainable development and financing for development to the zero draft and Rev. 1

Lead author: Ishaan Shah

The co-facilitators of the Summit of the Future, Germany and Namibia, released the zero-draft of the Pact for the Future on 26 January 2024, which was meant to serve as a starting point for intergovernmental negotiations. The Rev. 1 and Rev. 2 of the Pact for the Future was released on 14 May 2024 and 17 July, respectively, following extensive deliberations as part of First, Second and Third Readings. 

This bulletin focuses on Chapter 1 of the Pact on ‘Sustainable development and financing for development’. It compares the Rev.2 to the Zero-Draft and Rev.1, while also referring to the compilation text for detailed insights as needed. Rev.2 features stronger language on poverty, hunger and infrastructure, as well as covering areas including common but differentiated responsibilities, the SDG Stimulus, official development assistance, climate financing, illicit financial flows, migration, culture, and sports, among others.

Get the latest updates on the negotiations of Chapter 1 in the following ICH bulletin.

related resources

Rev. 2 of the Pact for the Future

Rev. 1 of the Pact for the Future

Compilation text (as of 3 April 2024)

Zero draft of the Pact for the Future

Letter from the co-facilitators (dated 4 April 2024)