february 6-9 2024 – MS consultations on the pact for the future

Lead author: Eliane El Haber

Between February 6 and February 9, 2024, Member States gathered at the United Nations Headquarters in New York for the first reading of the zero draft of the Pact for the Future. During the discussions, it was emphasized that youth play a critical role in shaping a sustainable future by championing gender equality and fostering a more inclusive global workplace. The well-being of future generations is intricately linked to their education and empowerment, with Member States recognizing the significance of investing in inclusive education for their long-term development. Furthermore, Member States highlighted the importance of addressing issues such as discrimination, promoting intercultural dialogue, and enhancing digital literacy to support the growth and well-being of young people. Cultural engagement and active participation in decision-making processes were also underscored as essential components for building a more inclusive society. In addition, some Member States extended an invitation to the Secretary-General to take the lead in developing a global standard for inclusive youth engagement, recognizing the need for a coordinated and comprehensive approach to empower and involve young people in shaping a better future.

related resources

Pact for the Future: zero draft 

A declaration on Future Generations